Rates & Charges

New Service Connections

General Facilities Charge (GFC): A charge payable to the District for the purpose of providing the District with funds for capital improvements to construct general facilities to accommodate anticipated growth, such as reservoirs, sources of supply, transmission lines, pump stations, filtration facilities, and real property.

The GFC is based on meter size:

3/4 x 5/8 inch meter                      $ 8,000.00

1 inch meter                                $ 20,000.00

Contractor Water

Shall be charged at the rate of $30.00 for 0-3000 gallons and $10.00 per 1000 gallons over 3000 gallons.

Water Usage Charges

Each account is billed every two months

New Rates Effective January 1, 2025

Base Rate0 gallons $50.00
1st tier1 to 4,000 gallons $2.00 per thousand gallons
2nd tier4,001 to 10,000 gallons$5.68 per thousand gallons
3rd tier10,001 to 20,000 gallons$8.50 per thousand gallons
4th tierover 20,000 gallons$11.34 per thousand gallons
Public Utility Tax.  The Public Utility Tax as imposed by RCW 82.16.020 (1) (g) and (2) shall be collected in addition to the water rates and identified separately on the District’s billing for water.

Account Service Fees

Water Availability Verification Certificate
for properties located inside the District Boundary
for properties located outside the District Boundary

Confirmation of Service Certificate$10.00
Backflow Assembly Test$65.28
Final Bill charge $25.00
Transfer of service fee$20.00
Meter Lock on/off$10.00
Dishonored check fee + NSF fee$65.00
Well Construction Waiver$25.00

Delinquent  Account Collection

Whenever an account becomes delinquent 90 days, the District shall mail to the property owner, and/or deliver to the service address by door hanger, a Service Termination Notice specifying the amount of delinquency and a penalty charge of 10%.  The delinquent amount and penalty charges must be paid within fifteen (15) days of the date of the Notice or service will be terminated.  Payment must be made at the District office.  Three days before the scheduled termination date the District shall provide final notice by “door hanger.”  If the delinquency is not brought current, service shall be terminated on or after the sixteenth (16) day.    

Interest1% per month on balances over $50.00
Service Termination Notice$25.00
Shut off Notice$25.00